It's easy for me to talk, I haven't been single since 10th grade--sheesh--but anyway, I love to tout the advantages of being single, especially on St. Valentine's Day. I call this "The-Day-Society-Shames-Single-People" Day. So what's cool about being single? Well, I like the tan line you get when you take the ring off. But let me list some cool things you can only do if you are single or at least alone for the day:
1. Take yourself out
to a fine restaurant and luxuriate in the fine dining experience without having to entertain or even talk to the people at your table. I love to do this. People are so weirded out that you are alone they will baby you--people at the tables near you will strike up a conversation, the owner comes over to make sure you are okay, and the waiters pay extra attention to you because you are...well...alone! Here is a picture I took at Tallulah's in Birmingham, Michigan during a dinner "alone". So fun! www.tallulahwine.com

2. You can pursue your life's dream without it being a decision by popular vote. No more "ruling by consensus". So go do it, do it now...there is nothing and no one stopping you.
3. Being single doesn't mean being lonely. You have time to deepen those friendships! Call a sibling or a girlfriend now!
4. Being single does equal independence. (See "ruling by consensus", under #2) It feels good to know you can make it on your own. (Where are the "Mary Tyler Moore Shows" now a day?)
5. Finally, you won't have to worry about seeing her drivin' 'round town with the boy you love and saying "fuck you" and "fuck him, too"...hey, blame Cee Lo, I didn't write the lyrics.
Yeah, being single is "Happy F'ing Valentine's Day" cool.